Early Supporters of Atmocean

Developing a new clean energy source is a vast undertaking that takes vision, dedication, and the belief in a better world for tomorrow. Since our inception in 2006, we have had a lot of support in getting us to where we are today and we’d like to take the opportunity to thank and recognize all of our early supporters as well as the organizations involved, that have helped us in realizing this clean, renewable energy source, for generations to come.

If you too would like to get involved in supporting Atmocean’s efforts either by donation, investment, or as a technical capacity to continue the deployment of wave energy, please contact us at atmocean.information@gmail.com

We’d like to thank the following organizations for their support

Sandia National Laboratories (Rick Givler, Kelley Ruehl)
Oregon Wave Energy Trust (Jason Busch, Matthew Sanders)
US Army Corps of Engineers (Benny Dean)
Miss Linda Research Vessel (Bob Pedro)
Skallerud Marine (Brian Skallerud)
Plymouth University UK Wave Tank (Adam Corney)
Marine-Energy-Matters (Colin Cornish)
Invest In Cornwall (Mandy Feldon)
Tecnology Research Board -UK.
Los Alamos National Laboratory (Dr. Chonggang Xu, Jordan Marsh)
TEXAS A&M Wave Tank

