Water covers 71% of our world and holds a vast potential for clean renewable energy and fresh water production. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers estimated in a 2010 report of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, that there is an estimated potential of 3.7 terawatts of wave energy, almost double that of current world electrical consumption. Additionally, as the world’s coastal communities start to experience increased water stress and prolonged drought, using wave energy to desalinate seawater and generate sustainable foood presents a very attractive solution to the world’s most pressing problems.

Waves are created by wind blowing across the oceans. Waves are distinct from daily tidal surges created by the gravitational effect of the moon as the earth spins on its axis. Compared to wind and solar, waves are more consistent and predictable. As water is close to 1000 times more dense than air, it makes potential conversion into renewable energy very efficient. With roughly 60% of the world population living within 50 miles of a coastline, wave power and fresh water production can be locally delivered. Additionally, as power demands increase during colder winter months, wave energy generation mirrors that demand with increased wave activity. Furthermore, as coastal communities move to install ever-increasing number of desalination plants to increase access to fresh water, wave energy holds the potential to fuel the process of desalination, an energy intensive process in itself.

Numerous projects are working towards ways to tap into this pool of energy with mixed results. Yet the world still waits for a dependable technology that can safely and cost effectively transform waves into fresh water and sustainable derived food. We believe that answer can be found here, with Atmocean.