The projected output per array is based on computational fluid dynamics modeling conducted for us by Sandia National Laboratories. Their report (summarized below) found the onshore flow produced by an array of 15 pumps located 1.8km from shore is about 450 cubic feet per minute (CFM). Given the operating pressure of 220psi, and taking into account all the known efficiency factors, this translates to a rated output of 262 kW, or about 1.4 million kWh per year, based on the assumed average wave height of 1.72m at 8 second average period.

Below we show the average annual kWh per capita for some of our target markets. From this, we can determine how many persons are served by a single array, and then estimate how many arrays will be needed for any particular market location (for example, St. Thomas USVI).


Our growth plans are to install the first array in 2014, then double the number of new arrays year-by-year thereafter. Further assuming Power Purchase Agreement financing of 80% of project cost, we reach breakeven in 2017. By doubling the new arrays, by 2018 we are solidly in the black and can self-finance the 20% down payment on each new project thereafter.

Potential investors who are interested in reviewing the detailed projections can contact Atmocean CEO Phil Kithil by email at: atmocean<dot>kithil<at>atmocean<dot>com.

  2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Electricity Sales  $                   -    $             275,819  $        551,639  $         1,103,277  $     2,206,554  $        4,413,108
Consulting Fees                        -                     67,626            200,710                 462,046          1,050,338            2,226,921
Total Income  $                   -    $             343,445  $        752,348  $         1,565,323  $     3,256,892  $        6,640,029
Amortization  $                   -    $               71,584  $        214,751  $             380,986  $         713,458  $        1,378,401
Interest                        -                     74,019            219,911                 384,169             762,514            1,507,858
 Indirect             310,500                 518,957            800,580                 997,747          1,348,004            1,978,439
Total Expense  $        310,500  $             664,559  $     1,235,241  $         1,762,903  $     2,823,975  $        4,864,699
Pre Tax Net  $      (310,500)  $           (321,114)  $      (482,893)  $           (197,580)  $         432,916  $        1,775,330